Lincoln Garden Club wins Merit Award for Roadsides Report, Brochures and Website. Click here to read more.

Fields, forests, stone walls and historic buildings abound along the roadsides of Lincoln for both residents and visitors to enjoy. They are an important part of our rural colonial heritage. Today increased traffic, development, and tightening budgets challenge the quality of Lincoln's roadsides. Our goal is to raise awareness of the need to protect and maintain their rural and historic character and to provide helpful guidelines for both private property owners and Town officials so that we can all work together to maintain the character of Lincoln.

Lincoln Roadside Basics
Learn about the types of roads in Lincoln, their rural heritage and a take a deeper look at Lincoln's scenic roads through maps and photos.

Guidelines for Maintaining Rural Character
Take action to improve and maintain Lincoln's roadsides and bordering landscape. Working together, the Town, its institutional partners, and property owners can accomplish much.
Managing Invasives Learn how to identify many of Lincoln's invasive plants, why they are threats to our roadsides and landscapes, and methods for controlling them.
Plantings Find planting guidelines, recommended roadside plants and trees, links for lists of native plants and prohibited plants.
Stone Walls
Stone walls abound along Lincoln's roadsides and are protected by the Planning Board. Left untended, they will come apart. Learn how to monitor and detect problems as they develop, before major repairs are required.
More info Find additional resources, links and contact information.