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Lincoln Roadside Basics

Lincoln's roadside fields, forests, stone walls and historic buildings are enjoyed by bicyclists, drivers and walkers alike. Many Lincoln roadways date back to colonial times. They are an important part of our rural appeal and heritage. Increasing traffic volumes, new development, and limited maintenance budgets challenge Lincoln’s ability to retain and improve the quality of its roadsides. Current planning studies focus on these challenges creating an opportunity for the Town, its nonprofit partners, and property owners to work together to enhance the public face of our Town.

In 2006, the Roadsides Committee of the Lincoln Garden Club began researching the issues, reviewing Town studies on roads and open space, and identifying target roads and intersections. Committee members talked with many groups, committees, Town staff and Town officials to determine their interest in and views about Lincoln’s roadsides. This website and its parent report reflect comments and insights from all those groups. Guidelines as well as specific actions for both Town government and private residents are included to direct improvement of our roadsides in a manner consistent with our rural heritage.

Lincoln's Roadside Types
Two visual images of Lincoln, wooded and agrarian, help categorize the Town’s roads into five different types: Natural, Agricultural, Historic, Suburban, and Commercial / Lincoln Station. In addition, eight major gateways, or entryways into Lincoln, are identified.

Lincoln's Rural Roadside Heritage
Lincoln’s earliest road was the Battle Road, built in 1636, to connect with Concord. The Town is fortunate to have much of its early road system intact and protected.

Lincoln's Roadside Challenges
Preserving their rural character while accommodating necessary modern use remains a constant challenge.