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See the Guidelines section for recommendations on how to maintain and restore each of the five types of roadside edge.

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Lincoln Roadside Types

Two visual images of Lincoln, wooded and agrarian, help categorize the Town’s roads into the following five types:

1. Natural:
Stretches of roads bordered by woods - mostly smaller, scruffy trees and shrubs with an occasional stand of mature trees or evergreens. Much of the wooded land is wetland, too low for development. Includes areas of older residences that are interspersed in the woodlands and well integrated into the natural landscape.

2. Agricultural:
Roadsides bordered by extensive fields for continued farm use or as conservation efforts of individuals and the Town of Lincoln. The roads separating these fields are often lined with mature trees giving a canopied effect with open vistas beyond. Rock walls along the fields tend to be better maintained than those of the Natural areas.
The visual contrast between the Natural and Agricultural areas creates much of Lincoln's scenic character.

3. Historic:
Roadsides with older, notable houses and farm buildings often associated with agricultural lands. Lawns edged with well built walls, mature trees and other attributes of rural life.

4. Suburban:
Newer roads with smaller scale lawn areas, 20th century houses, fewer mature trees, absence of walls and other fixtures of past use of the land. Some stretches of the older roads have taken a similar character due to the extent of suburban development along them.

5. Commercial / Lincoln Station:
Includes the mall and the commercial properties across the road. Well kept stone walls, roadside paths, with mature trees and plantings buffer much of the parking from the road. Fades from retail to agricultural on the north side and residential on the south side.

Entry points into Lincoln are an important aspect of its roadway experience, and create an impression as residents and visitors come to town. Some represent its rural character with vistas of fields and stone walls. Others are overgrown, neglected.

Map of Lincoln’s Roadside Types   shows many Lincoln roads by type and identifies eight major gateways. Of the five roadside types, three - Natural, Agricultural, and Historic - have overlaps with the roads shown on the maps Old Roads of Lincoln and Scenic Roads. Taken together these three maps can guide efforts to preserve the rural character of key roads.