Commercial Roadside: Lincoln Station Guidelines

Balancing automobile and pedestrian access with unifying features such as plantings and stone walls should be the goal of Lincoln Town and property owners along this commercial roadside. A study of the area was done for the Town in March 2007 that could form the basis of a planning process, including reconfiguring the road to make it more pedestrian friendly. This work could be done in conjunction with road re-configuration that may be planned as part of the 2009-2010 road reconstruction project.

Installing more painted and signed crosswalks would encourage walking in the retail areas. Standard or more pedestrian scale lighting at the crosswalks would also be advisable. Some of these improvements have been included in the mall renovation.

The unpaved north side parking lot after the RR tracks could use an improved face to the road, including cleaning out the stone wall.

Also on the north side after the RR tracks a sidewalk would allow pedestrians to move safely between the mall and the gas station without walking in the road, or crossing to the other side. The stone walls along the Codman gardens could be cleared out as part of farm maintenance.

To identify your road type, see Roadside Types definitions and Roadsides types map

For a complete list of guidelines, see the Lincoln Roadside Report, pp. 18 - 38